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Events / Arts festivals

All-Russia Film Festival of Actors – Directors "The Golden Phoenix"

7 - 12 september, 2014, Smolensk region

The main aim of the festival is to foster the best films created by actors, script writers, cameramen, producers, composers and other professionals in the field of cinema who have expressed themselves as film directors.

The festival introduces new movies to wide audience, invites art lovers for the first nights of theatrical performances and creative meetings with directors and actors. By all means, the festival offers a start in life for gifted beginners.

The rich programme, star list of participants, quality interesting movies offered for audience judgement – all that contribute to the success of the festival.

Festival screenings and creative meetings with actors-directors invariably stir a keen interest and a great response, attracting a large number of arts’ fans.

At Movie Stars square in front of the movie house "Sovremennik" personal “stars” in honour of the winners of the festival "Golden Phoenix" are placed annually.

The film festival is open for wide audience. All competition screenings are free. All that happens on stage is broadcast to big screens in the streets.

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8:14:19 C ( F)
Region: Smolensk region
Venue: The city of Smolensk and other cities of Smolensk Region
Phone: (4812) 29 23 64